A distributed task T is 1-solvable if there exists a protocol that sol
ves it in the presence of(at most) one crash failure. A precise charac
terization of the 1-solvable tasks was given by Biran et al. (1990). I
n this paper we determine the number of rounds of communication that a
re required, in the worst case, by a protocol which 1-solves a given 1
-solvable task T for n processors. We define the radius R(T) of T, and
show that if R(T) is finite, then the number of rounds is Theta (log(
n) R (T)); more precisely, we give a lower bound of log((n-1)) R(T), a
nd an upper bound of 2 + [log((n-1)) R(T)]. The upper bound implies, f
or example, that each of the following tasks: renaming, order preservi
ng renaming (Attiya et al., 1990) and binary monotone consensus (Biran
et al., 1990) can be solved in the presence of one fault in 3 rounds
of communications. All previous protocols that 1-solved these tasks re
quired Omega (n) rounds. The result is also generalized to tasks whose
radii are not bounded, e.g., the approximate consensus and its varian
ts (Dolev et al., 1986; Biran et al., 1990).