In Brassica, self-incompatibility has been correlated with S-locus gly
coproteins (SLG) localized at the site of pollen rejection, the stigma
tic papillae. In this paper we present immunocytochemical evidence tha
t during development of the pistil SLG proteins accumulate not only in
the stigmatic papillae, but also in the transmitting tissue of stigma
, style and ovary, along the pathway followed by the pollen tube. This
observation was confirmed by the biochemical characterization of styl
ar and ovarian SLG proteins and by the detection of SLG transcripts in
style/ovary tissues by polymerase chain reaction analysis. Thus we de
monstrate similarities between the pattern of SLG gene expression in B
rassica (sporophytic self-incompatibility system) and that of S produc
ts in Nicotiana (gametophytic self-incompatibility system) which may r
eflect relationships between the self-incompatibility systems. An acti
ve role of SLG gene products during the pollen-tube growth in the pist
il is discussed.