Our previously reported multicenter, blinded, randomized, controlled s
tudy of two doses of interferon beta-1b (IFNB) in 372 patients demonst
rated a reduction in relapse frequency and severity and in MRI activit
y. mie now report the results of the continuation of that study. The m
edian time on study was 46.0 months for the placebo arm, 45.0 months f
or 1.6 million international units (MIU), and 48.0 months for 8 MIU. I
FNB had a persistent beneficial effect on exacerbation rate and MRI bu
rden of disease and was relatively free of long-term side effects. The
re was a one-third reduction in exacerbation rate in the 8-MIU treatme
nt arm, compared with placebo, in each of 5 years. Serial annual MRI w
as done in all patients, and 217 of the patients had either a fourth-
or fifth-year scan. There was no significant progression of lesion bur
den in the 8-MIU arm in each successive year compared with baseline (a
t 4 years, p = 0.917), whereas a highly significant increase in lesion
area occurred in the placebo arm (p = 0.0001). Among the 154 noncompl
eters, there was no systematic bias recognized that favored either tre
atment arm for the outcome measures of exacerbation rate, disability,
or MRI activity. Dropouts in the placebo group had higher exacerbation
rates and accumulation of MRI lesion burden than did dropouts in the
other treatment arms, which probably reduced the power of the study to
demonstrate treatment effects on these measures in the later years of
the trial. Neutralizing antibodies to IFNB were detectable in 38% of
patients by the third year and were associated with a significant atte
nuation of treatment effect on exacerbation rate. However, the reducti
on in exacerbation rate approached 50% in the antibody-negative 8-MIU
group. For all patients, both baseline and end point lesion burden sig
nificantly correlated with disability. Increase in MRI lesion area was
also significantly correlated with increase in disability over the co
urse of the study, validating serial MRI as an outcome measure with cl
inical relevance. Since the 8-MIU treatment arm had significantly less
lesion accumulation by MRI, a reasonable expectation is that IFNB wil
l limit progression of disability. Confirmed disease progression occur
red in fewer patients in the high-dose treatment arm (35%) than in the
placebo arm (46%) (p = 0.096). These results support but do not estab
lish an effect of IFNB in limiting progression of disability. This stu
dy was not originally powered to demonstrate a treatment effect on dis
ease progression. At these levels of disability, more patients or long
er follow-up, or both, would be required. Accordingly, additional clin
ical trials will be necessary to evaluate the role of IFNB in preventi
ng disability.