Prewarmed saline enemas and transabdominal ultrasound (hydrosonography
) were used to evaluate 17 consecutive children with rectal bleeding b
efore colonoscopy. Twelve patients with polyps were identified (10 by
ultrasound, 10 by endoscopy): these included multiple hyperplastic pol
yps (1), multiple polyps (1), solitary polyps (9), and pseudopolyps (1
). Ultrasound identified 11 polyps in 10 patients, missing two patient
s with small polyps less than 0.5 cm in diameter. The polyps were hype
rechoic ovoid masses fixed to the colonic wall, with a stalk (7), subm
ucosal infolding (5), and intraluminal floating (5). There was one fal
se positive. Colonoscopy was refused by one patient and failed to reac
h beyond the distal sigmoid in another following previous surgery for
malrotation. Colonoscopy was superior in identifying finer mucosal det
ail (colitis, ulcers, proctitis, anal fissure) and in detecting smalle
r polyps (sessile polyps, hyperplastic polyps). Hydrosonography of the
colon is a simple, relatively non-invasive procedure that provides an
alternative, radiation-free examination of the whole colon before col
onoscopy. It is complementary to colonoscopy in the management of rect
al bleeding in children.