We have (separately) disrupted all of the expressed macronuclear copie
s of the HHO gene encoding macronuclear histone H1 and of the micronuc
lear linker histone (MLH) gene encoding the protein MicLH in Tetrahyme
na thermophila. These disruptions are shown to eliminate completely th
e expression of each protein. Strains without either linker histone gr
ow at normal rates and reach near-normal cell densities, demonstrating
that linker histones are not essential for cell survival. Histone H1
knockout (Delta H1) cells have enlarged DAPI-stained macronuclei and n
ormal-sized micronuclei, while MicLH knockout (Delta MicLH) cells have
enlarged micronuclei and normal-sized macronuclei. Delta MicLH cells
undergo mitosis normally. However, the micronuclear mitotic chromosome
structure is less condensed. These studies provide evidence that link
er histones are nonessential and are involved in chromatin packaging a
nd condensation in vivo.