Grading acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is usually based on qua
ntification of rash, serum bilirubin and diarrhea. Standard criteria h
ave been developed and used for >20 years by most transplant centers,
However, neither the standard GVHD grading system nor any of several r
evisions has been validated in the context of GVHD prophylaxis with cy
closporine. The 1994 Consensus Conference on Acute GVHD Grading held i
n Keystone in January 1994 provided an opportunity to: (1) review data
regarding these standard criteria; (2) determine if there are suffici
ent data to revise these criteria; and (3) develop recommendations for
reporting results of GVHD prevention trials. Data were provided for 8
249 patients from 12 large transplant centers and 2 transplant registr
ies, Standard GVHD grading criteria were found to distinguish differen
t mortality risks and treatment response rates, Analysis of new data s
uggested that persistent nausea with histologic evidence of GVHD but n
o diarrhea be included as stage 1 gastrointestinal GVHD, Additional st
udies were recommended to evaluate heterogeneity of outcome within GVH
D grades prior to making further revisions. To improve comparability b
etween publications, reports of GVHD prevention trials should include
an accurate description of the grading system used and should report a
ctuarial rates of grades II-IV and III-IV GVHD corrected for graft fai
lure and potential interventions for early relapse, Additional informa
tion should include indications for therapy of GVHD and response.