In this paper we determine whether individual and family psychosocial
functioning predicts the risk for recurrent acute diabetic complicatio
ns. An onset-cohort of 61 children and adolescents with Type 1 diabete
s received conventional diabetes care. Episodes of ketoacidosis and of
severe hypoglycemia were recorded for 8 years, and glycaemic control
was measured by glycohaemoglobin. Measures of psychosocial functioning
of the patient and parents were obtained during the first year. Over
8 years, 28% of subjects had at least one episode of ketoacidosis, and
21% had at least one episode of hypoglycaemia. The odds of observing
recurrent hypoglycaemia versus recurrent ketoacidosis was 14 times gre
ater in boys than in girls (Fisher's exact test p<0.05). Girls with re
current ketoacidosis had more behaviour problems and lower social comp
etence, they reported higher levels of family conflict, and their pare
nts reported lower levels of family cohesion, expressiveness and organ
ization in year one. These relationships were independent of any assoc
iation with poor glycaemic control. Recurrent hypoglycaemia in boys wa
s generally unrelated to individual and family functioning or glycohae
moglobin. Despite our small sample size, our findings are suggestive o
f relationships that may lead to early identification of patients who
are prone to recurrent ketoacidosis, and to the development of early i
ntervention strategies.