The structural rearrangement of human sheathed capillaries in congesti
ve splenomegaly has been considered. In abnormal spleens the external
diameter and wall thickness were decreased, while the internal diamete
r was increased. Moreover, the total length and the absolute number of
sheathed capillaries were increased, though not as much as the whole
red pulp volume. Thus, in congestive splenomegaly, in addition to the
well-known changes of the sinuses, the terminal arterial passages also
appear to participate in the morphological rearrangement of the red p
ulp. The purpose of this paper is to formulate a simple dynamic model
explaining the reduction of blood flow rate in the pathologically modi
fied spleen. The main advantage of the present approach is that the co
efficients inserted in equations describing the physical phenomena hav
e been eliminated from the final formulae. Consequently, the model doe
s not require the determination of parameters by means of difficult ex
perimental measurements.