Manifestation of the auxotrophic requirement of Xanthomonas maltophili
a strains for sulfur-containing amino acids was shown to depend on the
availability of oxidized or reduced sulfur compounds in the medium. W
hen grown in a synthetic medium supplied with sulfate or sulfite, 100
X. maltophilia strains out of the 101 studied were unable to assimilat
e mineral nitrogen and showed auxotrophic requirements for methionine
or cysteine. Upon addition of 1 - 5 g/l of thiosulfate instead of the
salts mentioned, 94% strains did not show amino acid auxotrophy and re
adily assimilated ammonium nitrogen; they utilized the same range of c
arbon compounds as in the medium with methionine. Tetrathionate and el
emental sulfur were less efficient than thiosulfate: bacteria develope
d less actively and utilized fewer carbon substrates. In the presence
of sulfide, only several X. maltophilia strains assimilated ammonium s
alt, using only a few organic acids and proline as carbon sources. Thi
osulfate was shown to maintain the development of cysteine-dependent P
seudopnonas diminuta strains in synthetic media lacking this amino aci
d but supplied with necessary vitamins.