Eighteen ewes were randomly assigned to one of the three treatment gro
ups: control, 500000 IU of vitamin A, and 1000000 IU of vitamin A inje
cted, with the objective of evaluating the effect of vitamin A injecti
on on the concentration of vitamin A in the milk. Vitamin A injections
were given intramuscularly at lambing and at 35 d after lambing. Milk
samples from all ewes in the three groups were collected for the dete
rmination of vitamin A at 0, 1, 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, and 49 d aft
er lambing. Ewes injected with vitamin A at lambing had higher concent
rations of vitamin A in their milk during the first 7 d of lactation;
as a result, an increased amount of vitamin A was available to sucklin
g lambs during their early days of life. The concentration of vitamin
A in the milk increased with increase in the dose of vitamin A injecti
on. Colostrum contained a higher concentration of vitamin A than did m
ilk. Milk levels of vitamin A were also increased significantly by a s
econd injection of vitamin A given on 35 d of the lactation, and this
effect lasted up to 7 d after the injection.