Photoproduction at HERA is studied in ep collisions, with the ZEUS det
ector, for yp centre-of-mass energies ranging from 130-270 GeV. A samp
le of events with two high-p(T) jets (p(T) > 6 GeV, eta < 1.6) and a t
hird cluster in the approximate direction of the electron beam is isol
ated using a clustering algorithm. These events are mostly due to reso
lved photoproduction. The third duster is identified as the photon rem
nant, Its properties, such as the transverse and longitudinal energy f
lows around the axis of the cluster, are consistent with those commonl
y attributed to jets, and in particular with those found for the two j
ets in these events. The mean value of the photon remnant p(T) with re
spect to the beam axis is measured to be 2.1 +/- 0.2 GeV, which demons
trates substantial mean transverse momenta for the photon remnant.