LALNVIEW is a graphical program for visualising local alignments betwe
en two sequences (protein or nucleic acids). Sequences are represented
by coloured rectangles to give an overall picture of their similariti
es. LALNVIEW can display sequence features (exon, intron, active site,
domain, propeptide, etc.) along with the alignment. When using LALNVI
EW through our Web servers, sequence features are automatically extrac
ted from database annotations (SWISS-PROT, GenBank, EMBL or HOVERGEN)
and displayed with the alignment. LALNVIEW is a useful tool for analys
ing pairwise sequence alignments and for making the link between seque
nce homology and what is known about the structure or function of sequ
ences. LALNVIEW executables for UNIX, Macintosh and PC computers are f
reely available from our server (