An earlier paper by the authors (1988) introduced a correlation betwee
n the Vesilind settling parameters, V-o and k, and SVI performed in a
stirred, 1-L graduated cylinder even though SVIs also were determined
in more commonly used containers such as an unstirred, 1-L graduated c
ylinder and an unstirred, 2-L Mallory settlometer. Only the stirred gr
aduated cylinder relationship was given because stirring increases the
precision and decreases the variability of the SVI test, and Standard
Methods (1975) has included stirring in the SVI test since 1975. None
theless, because the SVI test continues to be performed in unstirred c
ontainers, the correlations for the other SVI test methods measured du
ring the study are presented herein so that they can be used by the wa
stewater treatment plant operations community.