The Mexican monsoon is a significant feature in the climate of the sou
thwestern United States and Mexico during the summer months. Rainfall
in northwestern Mexico during the months of July through September acc
ounts for 60% to 80% of the total annual rainfall, while rainfall in A
rizona for these same months accounts for over 40% of the total annual
rainfall. Deep convection during the monsoon season produces frequent
damaging surface winds, flash flooding, and hail and is a difficult f
orecast problem. Past numerical simulations frequently have been unabl
e to reproduce the widespread, heavy rains over Mexico and the southwe
stern United States associated with the monsoon. The Pennsylvania Stat
e University/National Center for Atmospheric Research mesoscale model
is used to simulate 32 successive 24-h periods during the monsoon seas
on. Mean fields produced by the model simulations are compared against
observations to validate the ability of the model to reproduce many o
f the observed features, including the large-scale midtropospheric win
d field, southerly low-level winds over the Gulf of California, and th
e heavy rains over western Mexico: Preliminary analysis of the mean mo
del fields also suggest that the Gulf of California is the dominant mo
isture source for deep convection over Mexico and the southwestern Uni
ted States, with upslope flow along the Sierra Madre Occidental advect
ing low-level gulf moisture into western Mexico during the daytime and
Southerly flow at the northern end of the gulf advecting gulf moistur
e into Arizona on most days. These results illustrate the usefulness o
f four-dimensional data assimilation techniques to create proxy datase
ts containing realistic mesoscale features that can be used fbr detail
ed diagnostic studies.