The polar wind is an ambipolar plasma outflow from the terrestrial ion
osphere at high latitudes. As the ions drift upward along geomagnetic
flux tubes, they move from collision-dominated (ion barosphere) to col
lisionless (ion exosphere) regions. A transition layer is embedded bet
ween these two regions where the ion characteristics change rapidly. A
Monte Carlo simulation was used to study the steady-state flow of Hions through a background of O+ ions. The simulation domain covered th
e collision-dominated, transition, and collisionless regions. The mode
l properly accounted for the divergence of magnetic field lines, the g
ravitational force, the electrostatic field, and H+-O+ collisions. The
H+ velocity distribution, f(H+), was found to be very close to Maxwel
lian at low altitudes (deep in the barosphere). As the ions drifted to
higher altitudes, f(H+) formed an upward tail. In the transition laye
r, the upward tail evolved into a second peak with a kidney bean shape
, and hence, f(H+) developed a double-humped shape. The second peak gr
ew with altitude and eventually became dominant as the ions reached th
e exosphere. This behavior is due to the interplay between the electro
static force and the velocity-dependent Coulomb collisions. Moreover,
the H+ heat flux, q(H+), was found to change rapidly with altitude in
the transition layer from a positive maximum to a negative minimum. Th
is remarkable feature of q(H+) is closely related to the coincident fo
rmation of the double-humped structure of f(H+). The double-hump distr
ibution might destabilize the plasma or, at least, cause enhanced ther
mal fluctuations. The double-hump f(H+), and the associated wave turbu
lence, have several consequences with regard to our understanding of t
he polar wind and similar space physics problems. The plasma turbulenc
e can significantly alter the behavior of the plasma in and above the
transition region and, therefore, should be considered in future polar
wind models. The wave turbulence can serve as a signature for the for
mation of the double-hump f(H+). Also, more sophisticated (than the ex
isting bi-Maxwellian 16-moment) generalized transport equations might
be needed to properly handle problems such as the one considered here.