Knowledge of the structure of actin in its various conformational stat
es is important for understanding the diverse motile activities carrie
d out by eukaryotic cells. Profilin:actin crystals provide a unique sy
stem for studying conformational states of actin, because they exhibit
a high degree of polymorphism in response to environmental conditions
while maintaining crystalline order. A preliminary comparison of two
states of profilin:beta-actin crystals shows that crystal polymorphism
involves movements of actin subdomains at hinge points homologous to
those found in hexokinase, a protein whose polypeptide fold is related
to actin. The homology of the hinge points in actin to those in hexok
inase suggests that actin subdomain movements in profilin:beta-actin c
rystals have functional significance. We discuss how these movements c
ould be related to structural transitions between states of filamentou
s actin in muscle contraction.