Stereoscopic depth discrimination thresholds increase with retinal ecc
entricity and distance from the horopter, However, in contrast to spat
ial resolution, the effects of spatial frequency on stereothresholds i
n the periphery are unknown, For spatial vision, it is generally assum
ed that the retina is comprised of a series of overlapping spatial fil
ter mechanisms and that there is a commensurate increase in spatial sc
ale as a function of retinal eccentricity, If the same holds true for
mechanisms sensitive to stereoscopic depth, then stereo-thresholds for
low spatial frequency stereoscopic stimuli may remain relatively inva
riant across the visual field, while thresholds for relatively high sp
atial frequency stimuli would increase, To further understand the role
of the disparity sensitive mechanisms involved in depth discriminatio
n, increment depth discrimination thresholds for both crossed and uncr
ossed disparities were measured as a function of eccentricity for reti
nal locations up to 10.0 deg along the horizontal meridian, We found t
hat stereoscopic depth discrimination thresholds, as a function of dis
tance from the horopter, increased in an exponential manner irrespecti
ve of spatial frequency, Stereo-thresholds also increased as a functio
n of retinal eccentricity, however, the rate of increase depended on t
he spatial frequency composition of the stimuli, Best stereo-threshold
s for stimuli composed of low spatial frequencies remained relatively
invariant for retinal eccentricities up to 10.0 deg, while thresholds
for the high spatial frequency stimuli increased with eccentricity.