D. Mears et al., MAGNITUDE AND MODULATION OF PANCREATIC BETA-CELL GAP JUNCTION ELECTRICAL CONDUCTANCE IN-SITU, The Journal of membrane biology, 146(2), 1995, pp. 163-176
The parallel gap junction electrical conductance between a beta-cell a
nd its nearest neighbors was measured by using an intracellular microe
lectrode to clamp the voltage of a beta-cell within a bursting islet o
f Langerhans. The holding current records consisted of bursts of inwar
d current due to the synchronized oscillations in membrane potential o
f the surrounding cells. The membrane potential record of the impaled
cell, obtained in current clamp mode, was used to estimate the behavio
r of the surrounding cells during voltage clamp, and the coupling cond
uctance was calculated by dividing the magnitude of the current bursts
by that of the voltage bursts. The histogram of coupling conductance
magnitude from 26 cells was bimodal with peaks at 2.5 and 3.5 nS, indi
cating heterogeneity in extent of electrical communication within the
islet of Langerhans. Gap junction conductance reversibly decreased whe
n the temperature was lowered from 37 to 30 degrees C and when the ext
racellular calcium concentration was raised from 2.56 to 7.56 mM. The
coupling conductance decreased slightly during the active phase of the
burst. Activation of adenylate cyclase with forskolin (10 mu M) resul
ted in an increase in cell-to-cell electrical coupling. We conclude th
at beta-cell gap junction conductance can be measured in situ under ne
ar physiological conditions. Furthermore, the magnitude and physiologi
cal regulation of beta-cell gap junction conductance suggest that inte
rcellular electrical communication plays an important role in the func
tion of the endocrine pancreas.