The purpose of this study was to review the effects of sedatives and a
nesthetics in 137 dogs and 13 cats with congenital or acquired heart d
isease which were referred for diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical i
nterventions: correction of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA-ligation, 28
%), cardiac catheterization with angiogram and angioplasty (22%), pace
maker implantation (18%), exploratory lateral thoracotomy (8.7%), corr
ection of right aortic arch (ring anomaly, 3.3%), correction of subval
vular aortic stenosis (2.7%), correction of PDA with coil in patients
with mitral regurgitation and congestive heart failure (2%), pericarde
ctomy and removal of heart-base tumors (2%), palliative surgery for ve
ntricular septal defect (VSD, 0.7%), and sick patients with deleteriou
s cardiac arrhythmias (0.7%). The anesthetic plan considered the risks
of anesthesia based upon preoperative patient assessment, classificat
ion scheme for functional phases of heart failure, and anesthetic drug
effects on the cardiovascular system. The effects of sedatives and an
esthetic drugs on deteminants of cardiac output are described. The mos
t-commonly used drugs for premedication, induction, and maintenance of
anesthesia were midazolam-oxymorphone (20%), thiopental or etomidate
(30%), and isoflurane (64%). Prompt therapy was given to control arrhy
thmias and provide organ perfusion, pain relief, muscle relaxation and
renal diuresis, using lidocaine, dopamine, fentanyl, atracurium, and
furosemide in 17.3%, 14.7%, 12%, 10%, and 8.7% of animals respectively
. Methods of routine and advanced patient monitoring are described.