46,XX maleness is characterized by the presence of testicular developm
ent in subjects who lack a Y chromosome. The majority of affected pers
ons have normal external genitalia, but 10-15% show various degrees of
hypospadias. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the eti
ology of this constitution: translocation of the testis-determining fa
ctor (TDF) from the Y to the X chromosome, mutation in an autosomal or
X chromosomal gene which permits testicular determination in the abse
nce of TDF, and undetected mosaicism with a Y-bearing cell line. We re
port the phenotypic data and results of molecular analyses performed i
n six sporadic Mexican males with 46,XX karyotype. Molecular studies r
evealed Yp sequences in two individuals (ZFY+ SRY+) with different phe
notypes, a third one presented with a smaller segment of Yp (ZFY- SRY) and complete virilization, while the remaining three were Y-negative
and showed hypospadias. In all subjects a hidden mosaicism with a Y-b
earing cell line was ruled out due to the absence of Y-centromeric seq
uences. Our data demonstrate that the phenotype does not always correl
ate with the presence or absence of Y-sequences in the genome, and con
firm that 46,XX maleness is a genetically heterogeneous condition.