To evaluate our clinical impression that patients with the chronic fat
igue syndrome (CFS) did not walk normally, we assessed gait kinematics
at slow walking speeds (i.e., 0.45, 0.89 and 1.34 m/sec) and 30 m run
time speeds on CFS patients and on a comparison group of sedentary co
ntrols. Run time was significantly slower for CFS than control subject
s (p < 0.001). There was a significant interaction (p < 0.01) between
group and speed for maximum hip angle during stance and swing phase wi
th hip angle being significantly larger at 1.34 m/sec for CFS than con
trols subjects for both cases (p < 0.05). Knee flexion during stance a
nd swing phases was significantly larger for controls than CFS subject
s at 0.45 m/sec (p < 0.01). Ratio of stride length divided by leg leng
th was significantly larger for the control subjects than for the CFS
subjects with differences occurring at 0.45 and 0.89 m/sec (p < 0.01)
but not 1.34 m/sec. The data indicate that CFS patients have gait abno
rmalities when compared to sedentary controls. These could be due to b
alance problems, muscle weakness, or central nervous system dysfunctio
n; deciding which will require further research. Evaluation of gait ma
y be a useful tool to measure outcome following therapeutic interventi