Significant advances have been made in recent years to improve photon
dose calculation. However, accurate prediction of dose perturbation ef
fects near the interfaces of different media, where charged particle e
quilibrium is not established, remain unsolved. Furthermore, changes i
n atomic number, which affect the multiple Coulomb scattering of the s
econdary electrons, are not accounted for by current photon dose calcu
lation algorithms. As local interface effects are mainly due to the pe
rturbation of secondary electrons, a photon-electron cascade model is
proposed which incorporates explicit electron transport in the calcula
tion of the primary photon dose component in heterogeneous media. The
primary photon beam is treated as the source of many electron pencil b
eams. The latter are transported using the Fermi-Eyges theory. The sca
ttered photon dose contribution is calculated with the dose spread arr
ay [T. R. Mackle, J. W. Scrimger, and J. J. Battista, Med. Phys. 12, 1
88-196 (1985)] approach. Comparisons of the calculation with Monte Car
lo simulation and TLD measurements show good agreement for positions n
ear the polystyrene-aluminum interfaces.