Kitamoto A",mulyanto, GROUPING IN PARTITIONING OF HLW FOR BURNING AND OR TRANSMUTATION WITHNUCLEAR-REACTORS/, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 32(6), 1995, pp. 565-576
A basic concept on partitioning and transmutation treatment by neutron
reaction was developed in order to improve the waste management and t
he disposal scenario of high level waste (HLW). The grouping in partit
ioning was important factor and closely linked with the characteristic
s of B/T (burning and/or transmutation) treatment. The selecting and g
rouping concept in partitioning of HLW was proposed herein, such as Gr
oup MA1 (Np, Am, and unrecovered U and Pu), Group MA2 (Cm, Cf etc.), G
roup A (Tc and I), Group B (Cs and Sr) and Group R (the partitioned re
main of HLW), judging from the three criteria for B/T treatment propos
ed in this study, which is related to (1) the value of hazard index fo
r long-term tendency based on ALI, (2) the relative dose factor relate
d to the mobility or retardation in ground water penetrated through ge
ologic layer, and (3) burning and/or transmutation characteristics for
recycle B/T treatment and the decay acceleration ratio by neutron rea
ction. Group MA1 and Group A could be burned effectively by thermal B/
T reactor. Group MA2 could be burned effectively by fast B/T reactor.
Transmutation of Group B by neutron reaction is difficult, therefore t
he development of radiation application of Group B (Cs and Sr) in indu
strial scale may be an interesting option in the future. Group R, i.e.
the partitioned remains of HLW, and also a part of Group B should be
immobilized and solidified by the glass matrix: HIALI, the hazard inde
x based on ALI, due to radiotoxicity of Group R can be lower:than HIAL
I due to standard mill tailing (smt) or uranium ore after about 300 ye