For the first time Sondheimer oscillations (SO) have been used to inve
stigate processes occurring during deuterium interaction with the W(10
0) face under UHV conditions within the temperature range from 4.2 to
2500 K. SO are oscillations of single-crystal plate magnetoresistance
arising at helium temperatures as the strength of the magnetic field p
erpendicular to the plate surface is increased. The technique exploits
the high sensitivity of surface scattering of conduction electrons to
submonolayer adsorption and symmetry changes of the adsorbed layer. F
ourier transformation analysis of the oscillations measured at differe
nt adsorbate coverages deposited at 4.2 K (0 < theta < 1) has shown th
at the submonolayer deuterium film symmetry at theta = 1 repeats proba
bly the clean W(100) symmetry (theta = 0) but at theta = 0.5 the adsor
bate film is disordered. Annealing of the film deposited at 4.2 K with
in the temperature range from 4.2 to 900 K results in adsorbate desorp
tion and ordering influencing the SO parameters.