This paper identifies the different types of health science libraries
located in various organizations engaged in research, education and tr
aining, administration and programme implementation relating to health
and family welfare. These medical libraries have been grouped into fo
ur categories namely research, academic, medical and hospital, based o
n the functions of the organization/institution to which they are atta
ched. Based on an all India survey, the resources, such as documents,
manpower, finances and equipment of 248 health science libraries belon
ging to the allopathy system (modern medicine) have been examined. Bas
ic library services, such as reference, current awareness, bibliograph
y, MEDLARS/MEDLINE, abstracting/indexing, and photocopying have been s
tudied. The information collected on various indices relating to medic
al library resources have been analysed and presented, indicating thei
r strengths and weaknesses. The survey indicated a significant imbalan
ce among the resources held and services rendered. Some measures for t
he improvement of the existing resources, services and their utilizati
on have been suggested.