In order to replicate and elaborate the two-dimensional model of depre
ssion and anxiety underlying the structure of common psychiatric sympt
oms proposed by Goldberg et al. (1987), we carried out latent trait an
alyses on PSE symptom data of the original Manchester study and two re
cent Dutch studies. We used the same analytical strategy as Goldberg e
t al. to facilitate comparison with the earlier work. It was found tha
t a more comprehensive set of common psychiatric symptoms caused an ex
tra, third dimension to emerge, so that the earlier anxiety dimension
became split between a specific anxiety axis characterized by situatio
nal and phobic anxiety and avoidance, and a non-specific anxiety axis
characterized by free-floating anxiety, various symptoms relating to t
ension, irritability and restlessness. It is argued that three dimensi
ons are sufficient to account for the covariance between common psychi
atric symptoms. A fairly consistent correlation between the non-specif
ic anxiety and the depression dimension was found across sites, as wel
l as independence of the specific anxiety dimension from the other two
dimensions. Furthermore, the depression dimension was robust with sim
ilar symptom profiles across samples, but there appeared to be local d
ifferences in the structure of anxiety symptoms.