High-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-
DE) was used to analyze more precisely serum and urine specimens of a
patient suffering from IgD myeloma associated with renal insufficiency
. The application of 2-DE with immobilized pH gradient followed by imm
unoblotting revealed the presence of acidic monoclonal delta chains, h
idden on 2-DE by albumin. This approach also enabled to detect two oth
er forms of delta heavy chains expressing both reduced (45 kDa) and hi
gh (110 kDa) mol. weight. The analysis of urine specimen proved the pr
esence of three acidic isoforms of monoclonal lambda light chains toge
ther with multiple monoclonal light chain fragments, which strongly su
ggests amyloidogenicity of these monoclonal light chains.