Using a PC to access the Internet and all its services is not difficul
t-once basic computer hardware, software, and network connections have
been installed and configured. Many Internet networking problems can
be avoided by contacting network experts before selecting the hardware
and network software. This article will introduce some of the hardwar
e, software, and Internet networking options available to the would-be
internet Surfer, and some of the pitfalls that one might encounter. O
nce the network hardware and software are installed successfully, one
can explore the Internet through a number of different software packag
es that allow the sharing of computer files and printers, as well as l
ogging onto remote host-computers, searching World Wide Web, posting a
nd reading notices on virtually any topic, and sending and receiving e
lectronic mail. This article will describe the functions of several pr
ograms that can access these Internet services and how to obtain them.