The pre- and post-treatment urinary total sialic acid/creatinine (TSA/
Cr) ratios of patients with bladder tumor (n = 60) were determined. We
found a significant increase in the mean urinary TSA/Cr ratio in pati
ents with bladder tumors than in healthy people (99.80 +/- 15.60 mu g/
g Cr, 52.57 +/- 15.60 mu g/g Cr, P < 0.001). We determined that the me
an post-treatment TSA/Cr ratio of 44 patients was significantly lower
than their pretreatment ratio and this value also decreased to the lev
el in healthy people. (TSA/Cr ratios of 44 patients: in the pre-treatm
ent period, 105.30 +/- 25.20 mu g/g Cr; in the post-treatment period,
54.50 +/- 15.80 mu g/Cr; healthy people, 52.57 +/- 15.60 mu g/g Cr, P
< 0.001). The patients with decreased TSA/Cr ratio in the post-treatme
nt period showed complete or partial regression of their disease. In 8
patients, urinary TSA/Cr ratio in the post-treatment period increased
to 105 +/- 14.5 mu g/g Cr value. In clinical and pathologic evaluatio
n, it was shown that disease progressed in all of these 8 patients. Th
e mean post-treatment TAS/Cr ratio of 8 patients did not differ from t
he pretreatment ratio (87.44 +/- 20.20 mu g/g Cr) and it was shown tha
t their clinical status did not change. These findings show that urina
ry excretion of TSA correlates with the clinical status of bladder tum
or and it could be used to follow the course of the disease, and follo
w-up treatment.