The goal of this research was to establish methods for inducing mammar
y epithelial differentiation from nonmammary epithelium. For this purp
ose, mid-ventral or dorsal epidermis (skin epithelium; SKE) from 13-da
y rat or mouse embryos was associated with 13-day embryonic mouse mamm
ary mesenchyme (mammary gland mesenchyme; MGM) (mouse MGM + rat or mou
se SKE). The resultant MGM + SKE recombinants as well as controls (hom
otypic mouse mammary recombinants, homotypic mouse skin recombinants a
nd mouse mammary mesenchyme by itself) were grafted under the renal ca
psule of syngeneic or athymic female nude mouse hosts. Most female hos
ts were induced to undergo lactogenesis by grafting an adult pituitary
which elicited a state of hyperprolactinemia. Tissue recombinants of
mouse MGM + rat or mouse SKE grown for 1 month in vivo formed a hair-b
earing keratinized skin from which mammary ductal structures extended
into the mesenchyme. The ducts were composed of columnar luminal epith
elial cells as well as basal, actin-positive myoepithelial cells. When
grown in pituitary-grafted hosts, the ductal epithelial cells express
ed casein and a-lactalbumin as judged by immunocytochemistry. The expr
ession of caseins in MGM + SKE recombinants was confirmed by Western b
lot. The epithelial cells in mouse MGM + rat SKE recombinants expressi
ng milli proteins were shown to be fat cells while the surrounding con
nective tissue was composed of mouse cells based upon staining with Ho
echst dye 33258. Using mammary-specific markers, these studies confirm
ed the earlier morphological studies of Propper and unequivocally demo
nstrated for the first time that embryonic mammary mesenchyme can indu
ce morphological and functional mammary differentiation from nonmammar
y epithelium.