The use of a single high speed communication tree as a means of provid
ing communication between nodes has recently become common in a local
environment. It is known as a Tree Area Network (TLAN). There are seve
ral fault-tolerant architectures for TLANs which attempt to increase t
he reliability of the simplex tree by introducing extra inter-node lin
ks. In this paper, a new fault-tolerant topology is proposed for TLANs
with collision avoidance switches and a multiple broadcast facility u
sed for high speed lightwave communication. The present approach uses
fewer redundant links than those used in an earlier technique(1) to co
nstruct the complete link added tree (LAT) architecture, and it is cha
racterized by its high degree of fault tolerance and its capability to
maintain concurrent transmissions even in the event of multiple failu
res at different levels. The scheme is simpler and easier to implement
than the existing fault-tolerant TLAN architectures and has reliabili
ty comparable with them, as shown by the simulation result of the syst
em reliabilities.