Recently, we reported the generation of a heteronuclear (hn) cDNA libr
ary from a human x rodent somatic cell hybrid retaining human chromoso
me 22. Here, we report the characterization and localization of 12 cDN
A derived clones from this library. Human-specific cDNA sequences have
been selectively amplified by inter-Alu PCR. To exclude Alu transcrip
ts, only clones with inserts larger than 500 bp were analyzed. Ten of
the 12 clones were localized by PCR on chromosome 22, with four clones
mapping on additional chromosomes. One PCR-localized clone and two ad
ditional clones were mapped on chromosome 22 by in situ hybridization.
Transcripts in human cells were identified for seven of the eight clo
nes analyzed by RT-PCR. None of the clones showed significant sequence
similarities within the GenBank and EMBL databases, indicating that t
hese clones represent previously unknown genes. This is the first repo
rt on the isolation of chromosome 22-specific transcripts from a human
x rodent somatic cell hybrid.