Pressure on British health workers to be more explicit in articulating
the function, purpose and outcome of their role has increased with th
e introduction of general management and shift to a market-place orien
tation, since implementation of the NHS and Community Care Act (1990).
However, a recurring theme in the history of health visiting has been
the difficulty which practitioners experience in trying to explain ex
actly what it is that they do. This has often been portrayed as a majo
r failing, and possibly even a reason to discontinue the service, This
paper will offer a potential explanation for this difficulty, and sug
gest that the management of uncertainty and ambiguity are central to t
he role, It will draw on a grounded theory study which explored how he
alth visitors choose which approach to use in any particular situation
encountered in their work. The analysis suggested that health visitin
g's central focus is on situations which are unpredictable, ambiguous
or anomalous, The study revealed an approach to health promotion which
requires a highly developed ability to cope in a safe and therapeutic
way with shifting, uncertain and ill-defined health needs, and to rec
ognize and respond to complex, potentially risk-filled situations. Dra
wing on examples which illustrate the implications of these concepts i
n practice, the paper suggests that, much as midwives have long claime
d that a 'normal delivery is one that is over', so in health visiting
a 'routine visit' can only be recognized as such once it has taken pla
ce. Nevertheless, it will be contended that the particular approach to
practice revealed in this study represents a valuable and necessary a
spect of health promotion, which has the potential to ensure relevance
and acceptability, and which maximizes unexpected opportunities for p