In this paper a numerical integration method termed ''mu't fitting'' f
or application to the true-height analysis of digitally recorded ionog
rams is introduced. This method can be used to analyze either the O or
X waves in an ionogram and includes the effect of the Earth's magneti
c field. For the second order polynomial profile analysis the mu't fit
ting technique utilizes 38-62% fewer numerical operations than the Gau
ssian quadrature integration method. Applying 5- (12-) term mu't fitti
ng to 100 data points, the method completes a true-height analysis in
0.77 (1.43) s, using an 80486/33 computer system. Furthermore, applyin
g this technique to the overlapping Chapman model profile adopted by U
nion Radio Scientifique Internationale (URSI) Working Group G.6.2 (McN
amara and Titheridge, 1977) yields rms errors of 8.3 and 7.0 meters fo
r the O and X wave components (12-term mu't fitting), over a set of 22
selected frequencies.