In this paper, the problem of spherical masonry domes of uniform stren
gth is examined. For masonry domes of variable thickness it is proved
that the change in the sign of the circumferential stresses can occur
for considerably larger angles, depending on the shape of the shell pr
ofile. The uniform strength thickness is explicitly given solving an e
igenvalue problem associated to the equilibrium integral equation. The
thickness law for the closed dome subject to self-weight and, possibl
y, to a superimposed uniform distributed load, and for the open dome s
ubject to the weight of a lantern is obtained. Finally, the problem fo
r a dome exhibiting a bidimensional behavior in the upper calotte and
a one-dimensional (1D) behavior below is solved Masonry is assumed to
be a material not able to resist against tensile stresses. Moreover, i
t is assumed to be either indefinitely resistant in compression or wit
h a cutoff in compressive stresses.