The formation of uracil adlayers on Au(111), Au(100) and Au(110) in aq
ueous solutions has been studied by current-potential, capacitance-pot
ential and current-time measurements. Besides adsorption of uracil on
gold at low coverages and negative potentials, the formation of two di
stinctly different organized uracil layers was found. The first one at
medium coverages has been observed only for the densely-packed surfac
es of Au(111) and reconstructed Au(100) and it corresponds to a two-di
mensional condensed physisorbed film. The second type of adlayer is fo
rmed at very positive potentials on all gold surfaces, irrespective of
their crystallographic orientation. This layer, which has been imaged
by in-situ STM, has a hcp structure with a next-neighbour distance of
0.4 nm and is assigned to chemisorbed uracil. The kinetics of the str
uctural transitions within the uracil adlayer has been studied by curr
ent transients and analyzed by standard nucleation-and-growth models w
hich were modified to account for the influence of surface defects.