Vaginal discharge is a common complaint. 1267 vaginal discharges were
examinated. Three groups can be established concerning results of cyto
logical and bacteriological microscopic examinations. First group corr
esponds to vaginal discharge with intact lactobacillary flora (811). T
he second group (295) corresponds to an altered flora. This group is a
transition of the Lactobacillus typical microflora to the characteris
tic bacterial vaginosis : in this group a great variety of aerobic and
anaerobic bacteria were isolated, with a pH > 4,5; the rise in pH dec
reases the oxydation reduction potential which results in a more anaer
obic microenvironment. The third group (161) corresponds to bacterial
vaginosis. The diagnosis is based on different criterias : malodour, v
aginal discharge, pH > 5, and characteristic microbial aspects of the
Gram coloration. There was a strong association between diagnosis base
d on microscopic examination and bacterial isolation : Gardnerella vag
inalis, Mycoplasma hominis and anaerobic bacteria : Prevotella bivia,
Peptostreptococcus prevotii and Mobiluncus have been found in high fre