In the present study we observed that while platelet-derived growth fa
ctor (PDGF)-BB is exclusively expressed by neurons in the human brain,
PDGF-AA is expressed in neurons and blood vessels. In Alzheimer's dis
ease (AD), antibodies against PDGF-BB (but not PDGF-AA) recognized the
neurofibrillary alterations of this disease. The levels of PDGF-BB co
rrelated with the patterns of synaptic loss and sprouting while PDGF-A
A immunostaining of the vessels was correlated with glial proliferatio
n. Immunostaining was completely abolished when the antibodies were pr
eincubated with their respective purified recombinant PDGF. Western bl
ot analysis showed that antibodies against PDGF recognized a 31 kDa pr
otein that was mildly increased in AD. These data suggest that PDGF, a
s well as other neurotrophic factors, play an important role in the me
chanisms of neurofibrillary pathology in AD.