Background It has been hypothesized that jobs that have both high psyc
hological demands and low decision latitude (''job strain'') can lead
to coronary disease. The objective of this study was to test whether j
ob strain was correlated with the presence of coronary disease at angi
ography or with long-term outcome in patients with angiographic corona
ry disease. Methods and Results Employed patients under the age of 65
years undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography completed a self-admi
nistered questionnaire about their job duties and work environment. Jo
b strain was measured by the method of Karasek. Patients were separate
d into three groups, based on extent of coronary disease: significant
disease (greater than or equal to 75% stenosis), insignificant disease
(>0% but <75% stenosis), and normal coronary arteries. Statistical an
alyses were performed using logistic regression and the Cox proportion
al hazards model. The 1489 patients enrolled had a median age of 52 ye
ars; 76% were male and 88% were white. By design, all patients were em
ployed, 60% in white-collar jobs and only 16% in jobs requiring heavy
labor. Traditional cardiac risk factors were most prevalent in the 922
patients with significant coronary artery disease, at intermediate le
vels in the 204 patients with insignificant disease, and least prevale
nt in the 363 patients with normal coronary arteries (all P<.01). Job
strain was actually more common in patients with normal coronary arter
ies (35%) than in patients with insignificant (26%) or significant dis
ease (25%, P<.002). In a multivariate analysis, job strain was not sig
nificantly correlated with the presence of coronary disease. Job strai
n was not correlated with angina frequency at the time of angiography.
Job strain was not a predictor of cardiac events (cardiac death or no
nfatal myocardial infarction) during follow-up. Conclusions Job strain
was not correlated with the prevalence or severity of coronary artery
disease in a cohort of patients undergoing coronary angiography. The
outcome of patients with angiographically defined coronary disease was
not affected by the level of job strain as measured by the method of