Background Prompted by the results of CAST results, attention has shif
ted from class I agents that primarily block sodium channels to class
III agents that primarily block potassium channels for pharmacological
management of certain cardiac arrhythmias. Recent studies demonstrate
d that sodium channel blockade, while antiarrhythmic at the cellular l
evel, was inherently proarrhythmic in the setting of a propagating wav
e Gent as a result of prolongation of the vulnerable period during whi
ch premature stimulation can initiate reentrant activation. From a the
oretical perspective, sodium (depolarizing) and potassium (repolarizin
g) currents are complementary so that if antiarrhythmic and proarrhyth
mic properties are coupled to modulation of sodium currents, then anti
arrhythmic and proarrhythmic properties might similarly be coupled to
modulation of potassium currents. The purpose of the present study was
to explore the role of repolarization currents during reentrant excit
ation. Methods and Results To assess the generic role of repolarizing
currents during reentry, we studied the responses of a two-dimensional
array of identical excitable cells based on the FitzHugh-Nagumo model
, consisting of a single excitation (sodium-like) current and a single
recovery (potassium-like) current. Spiral wave reentry was initiated
by use of S1S2 stimulation, with the delay timed to occur within the v
ulnerable period (VP). While holding the sodium conductance constant,
the potassium conductance (g(K)) was reduced from 1.13 to 0.70 (arbitr
ary units), producing a prolongation of the action potential duration
(APD). When g(K) was 1.13, the tip of the spiral wave rotated around a
small, stationary, unexcited region and the computed ECG was monomorp
hic. As g(K) was reduced, the APD was prolonged and the unexcited regi
on became mobile (nonstationary), such that the tip of the spiral wave
inscribed an outline similar to a multipetaled flower; concomitantly,
the computed ECG became progressively more polymorphic. The degree of
polymorphism was related to the APD and the configuration of the nons
tationary spiral core. Conclusions Torsadelike (polymorphic) ECGs can
be derived from spiral wave reentry in a medium of identical cells. Un
der normal conditions, the spiral core around which a reentrant wave f
ront rotates is stationary. As the balance of repolarizing currents be
comes less outward (eg, secondary to potassium channel blockade), the
APD is prolonged. When the wavelength (APD velocity) exceeds the perim
eter of the stationary unexcited core, the core will become unstable,
causing spiral core drift. Large repolarizing currents shorten the APD
and result in a monomorphic reentrant process (stationary core), wher
eas smaller currents prolong the APD and amplify spiral core instabili
ty, resulting in a polymorphic process. We conclude that, similar to s
odium channel blockade, the proarrhythmic potential of potassium chann
el blockade in the setting of propagation may be directly linked to it
s cellular antiarrhythmic potential, ie, arrhythmia suppression result
ing from a prolonged APD may, on initiation of a reentrant wave front,
destabilize the core of a rotating spiral, resulting in complex motio
n (precession) of the spiral tip around a nonstationary region of unex
cited cells. In tissue with inhomogeneities, core instability alters t
he activation sequence from one reentry cycle to the next and can lead
to spiral wave fractionation as the wave front collides with inhomoge
neous regions. Depending on the nature of the inhomogeneities, wave fr
ont fragments may annihilate one another, producing a nonsustained arr
hythmia, or may spawn new spirals (multiple wavelets), producing fibri
llation and sudden cardiac death.