Ectopic ACTH syndrome represents a cancer-induced amplification of a p
roperty [proopiomelanocortin (POMC) peptides production] normally pres
ent in the cells from which the cancer originated but with aberrant po
sttranslational processing of POMC resulting in a greatly elevated sec
retion of ACTH precursors. The classic ectopic ACTH-producing tumors d
escribed in the 1960s were highly malignant but more recently slowly g
rowing tumors such as carcinoids are reported with increasing frequenc
y. Clinical features of patients with ectopic ACTH were analyzed, incl
uding biochemical abnormalities, plasma ACTH, cortisol and urinary ste
roids. Dynamic tests such as high-dose dexamethasone suppression, mety
rapone and ovine-CRH (oCRH) stimulation were explored, as well as infe
rior petrosal sinus ACTH sampling before and after oCRH. Among the tum
or markers examined, elevation of ACTH precursors was uniformly presen
t followed by increased output of calcitonin, gut hormones, oncofetal
and placental hormones in decreasing order. Since more than 90% of ect
opic ACTH tumors are neuroendocrine in nature exhibiting APUD characte
ristics, their 2 markers, neuron-specific enolase and chromogranins ar
e very useful. The imaging procedures for localization of the tumor ra
nged from chest X-rays to computed tomography and magnetic resonance o
f the chest and abdomen. Abdominal ultrasonography was also useful. Fi
nally somatostatin receptor scintigraphy permitted demonstration of un
recognized tumors and/or metastases, even when the tumors were occult.
The ACTH content, immunostaining for APUD markers and altered POMC pr
ocessing were evaluated in ectopic tumors and/or metastases. Occult ec
topic ACTH syndrome of more than 4-6 months of symptoms without the em
ergence of an obvious source was reviewed. Since the tumors are often
clinically and biochemically undistinguishable from pituitary-dependen
t Gushing's disease, inferior petrosal sinus sampling for ACTH after o
GRH stimulation established the diagnosis in over 90% of the cases. 60
% of the occult tumors were thoracic carcinoids (3/4 bronchial carcino
ids), followed by small cell lung cancer and pancreatic neuroendocrine
tumors. In 12% the primary etiology was not detected. The rare syndro
me of ectopic CRH syndrome (6 published cases) leading to excessive st
imulation of the pituitary which became hyperplastic and secreted exce
ssive amounts of ACTH is discussed. Finally, the 12 published cases an
d 1 unreported patient with ectopic CRH-ACTH tumors were reviewed, the
majority being metastatic small cell lung carcinomas, bronchial and t
hymic carcinoids.