Weight loss in Alzheimer's patients has been observed by many clinicia
ns and reported in the international geriatric literature. It represen
ts a puzzling challenge for clinicians and researchers, and it is an i
mportant issue for caregivers and nursing home staff concerned with st
ate and federal requirements for nutrition and weight monitoring. Usin
g indirect calorimetry, we studied the resting energy expenditure of 2
1 elderly patients; 12 were residing in a community setting, and 9 wer
e institutionalized. Of the 12 community-living patients studied, 5 ha
d early to moderate Alzheimer's disease, and 7 were nondemented contro
l subjects. Of the 9 institutionalized patients, all were severely dem
ented, bedridden, and fed exclusively by gastric tube in a closely mon
itored clinical environment with daily bedside weighing. Four had Alzh
eimer's disease, and 5 had multi-infarct dementia (MID). Among the out
patients, the Alzheimer's group showed increased energy requirements (
p = 0.028) and a significantly different pattern of fat-free mass comp
ared with control subjects (p = 0.031). These observations on communit
y-residing elderly were consistent with, and extended by our findings
on energy requirements of, the demented institutionalized patients. Th
e calorie intake necessary for weight maintenance of the bedridden ins
titutionalized patients was determined during their prolonged institut
ionalization. The presumed maintenance level of caloric intake was the
n verified during a 10 wk study. During the 10 wk, we documented no si
gnificant change in weight with constant energy intake. Compared with
MID patients, Alzheimer's patients tended to weigh less (52.84 vs. 56.
4 kg; p = 0.20) but actually required more calories (1626 vs. 1341 kca
l, p < 0.011). Calorie intake of the institutionalized Alzheimer's pat
ients was 30.89 kcal/kg compared to 23.18 kcal/kg in the MID control s
ubjects (p < 0.001). These data indicate that energy requirements are
greater for Alzheimer's patients than for MID or nondemented control s
ubjects of similar size. The differences appear to be the result of in
creased lean-body mass in Alzheimer's patients. Further studies are ne
cessary to elucidate the mechanisms leading to their altered body comp