Resistance deterioration which is purely a time function such as typif
ied by simple corrosion problems is considered herein for structural s
ystems subjected to one or more stochastic load processes. The resista
nces are modelled as Gaussian random variables and the loads as Gaussi
an random processes. Deterioration is considered by either of two simp
le models-exponential or parabolic functions of time. Both an upcrossi
ng and an outcrossing formulation is used to estimate the up (out) cro
ssing rate through linear domain boundaries. Numerical integration is
employed to evaluate the resulting integrals, although significant sim
plifications are occasioned through the use of Gaussian random Variabl
es and processes. Results are given for two simple structural examples
and compared to purely simulation results both for the outcrossing ra
te and for various sensitivity results. Good agreement is found. The r
esults suggest that results for failure probability based on mean valu
es of the deterioration models may be satisfactory in some cases.