This paper reviews research and development on the causes, consequence
s and methods of controlling septicity in sewers. It draws on informat
ion given in 57 published papers on the subject. Explanations are give
n on the deviation of equations used to predict critical conditions in
sewers and rising mains. The consequences of septicity, including tox
icity, corrosion and odour nuisance, are described and discussed. Prev
ention is always recommended over cure, but where this cannot be achie
ved the methods of controlling septicity generally rely on maintaining
an adequate supply of oxygen (dissolved or chemically available) to o
xidize previously formed sulphide. Other options to cure the effects o
f septicity include minimizing the emission of hydrogen sulphide into
the atmosphere, deodorizing vented air, and the use of protective coat
ings or corrosion-resistant pipes.