Fluid inclusions were studied in the Lapland granulites and the underl
ying rocks of Korva Tundra (a part of the Tanaelv Complex). According
to mineralogical thermobarometry data, the Lapland granulites were met
amorphosed in four stages (M1 - M4); the lower grade Korva Tundra meta
morphic rocks were progradely metamorphosed during a single stage. Sev
eral populations of fluid inclusions recognized in the Lapland granuli
tes differ in their chemistries (detected using their melting temperat
ures) and densities (calculated from the homogenization temperatures).
These groups of fluid inclusions were correlated with metamorphic M1
- M4 stages. The metamorphic processes of the first two stages can be
recognized only in occasional relies; the N-2 + CH4 (M1) and CO2 + CH4
(N-2)+ H2O (M2) inclusions are also relict. The later M3 and M4 metamo
rphic stages occurred in the presence of an aqueous-carbon dioxide flu
id: X(H2O) = 0.25 - 0.41 during the M3 stage and 0.30 - 0.44 during th
e M4 stage. The Korva Tundra rocks were metamorphosed in the presence
of a simpler aqueous-carbon dioxide fluid, X(H2O) = 0.50 - 0.58, which
is consistent with their monocyclic metamorphism.