We report the results of the screening of 20 mapped RAPD loci over hap
loid megagametophytes from 48 individual trees of an Italian populatio
n of Norway spruce. LOD scores for 190 pairs of loci were calculated o
ver families of megagametophytes from 'informative' trees, and linkage
relationships between pairs of markers were analysed. Single-locus ge
notypes were inferred from haploid progeny-array data and were used to
estimate linkage disequilibrium between loci. Significant deviations
from equilibrium did not appear to be randomly distributed over loci.
Most of the markers analysed showed an excess of heterozygotes and fiv
e out of 20 RAPD markers showed significant deviations from Hardy-Wein
berg equilibrium. A weak spatial structure was detected by spatial aut
ocorrelation at the scale considered (0-180 m), suggesting a lack of '
family structure' arising from isolation by distance. Nonrandom distri
bution of the genetic variability was limited to some loci. Di- and tr
i-locus spatial autocorrelation of loci showing linkage disequilibrium
was also carried out.