Using the nonconventional sintering technique, such as microwave sinte
ring, it is observed to enhance the densification rate of SrTiO3 mater
ials as effectively as employing the highly active powders prepared by
the chemical route. Although the chemically derived powders demonstra
te better sinterability than the mixed oxide powders, the thermal anal
ysis indicates that the segregation of Ti4+-containing clusters during
decomposition of precursors in the direct pyrolysis (DP) process indu
ces the occurrence of TiO2 particles (anatase phase) prior to the form
ation of SrTiO3 phase. These particles retard the necking process requ
ired to sinter the materials. The spray pyrolysis (SP) process can cir
cumvent the preferential nucleation of TiO2 phase and, therefore, prod
uce powders exhibiting superior sintering behavior to the DP-derived p
owders. The microwave sintering technique, on the other hand, substant
ially enhances the rate of-diffusion of the ions in the materials such
that even the mixed oxide powders can be sintered at a temperature ab
out 200 degrees C lower than that needed to achieve the same density i
n a conventional sintering process. Fine grain (similar to 4 mu m) mic
rostructure is obtained for the materials microwave sintered at 1220 d
egrees C for 10 min. The migration of grain boundaries requires higher
temperature to initiate than the formation of neckings between the gr
ains. The grain growth occurs only when the material was sintend at te
mperatures higher than 1250 degrees C.