Bony metastasis is the most common cause of cancer pain. Strontium-89
(Sr-89), or Metastron, therapy has been shown to be effective for the
palliation of pain dire to skeletal metastases. By reducing opioid ana
lgesics intake and restoring mobility, Sr-89 improves the patient's qu
ality of life. Sr-89 is given conveniently as an outpatient procedure,
and wizen necessary it can be repeated at 3-month intervals. Sr-89 is
useful as an adjunct to local external beam radiation (EBR) because S
r-89 will target all skeletal metastases, including those not included
in the EBR field. Because Sr-89 is a beta-emitting radionuclide with
a long physical half-life (50.5 days), precautions should be taken by
the caretaker(s) against Sr-89 contamination front the patient's blood
or excretions, particularly if the patient is incontinent.