Aid agencies, charities, and other nongovernmental organizations once
denounced population control programs as racist interference in the th
ird world. Yet, at the United Nations Conference on Population and Dev
elopment in Cairo last September, these same organizations endorsed ve
ry similar ideas. The U.N. can now claim that even its fiercest critic
s not only have muted their criticism of population control programs b
ut now positively endorse them. Over the last 30 years, population con
trol has been consciously repackaged by the U.S. establishment. The im
age of population control has changed from being overtly anti-third wo
rld to being about giving the people of the third world-especially wom
en-basic rights in family planning. Wrapped up in the language of wome
n's empowerment and environmentalism, the establishment's old argument
s about there being too many nonwhite babies in the world, have, unfor
tunately, won the day.