This study was undertaken to investigate the distribution of vitamin E
in the macular and peripheral regions of the human retina, retinal pi
gment epithelium (RPE) and choroid as a function of age. High-performa
nce liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to measure alpha- and gamma-
tocopherol levels quantitatively using tocol as an internal standard.
In 57 out of 70 donor eyes (ages 9-104) the macular region was isolate
d and the tocopherols analyzed. The conventional brush method and a ne
w Vortex method were used to isolate the retinal pigment epithelium ce
lls. Similar trends for the vitamin E levels (increase to the 5th deca
de, decrease after 7th decade) were found for the macular and peripher
al retina and for the macular RPE. In the peripheral RPE a slight cont
inuous increase with age was found. The vitamin E levels are higher in
the RPE than in the retina, for both macular and peripheral regions.
The amounts of vitamin E/mg protein are lower in the macular retina th
an in the peripheral retina, whereas in the RPE there is no difference
in vitamin E content between macular and peripheral regions. A simple
method based on a gentle vortex step was found to offer several advan
tages over the more generally used isolation of RPE cells based on bru
shing, and there was no difference in recovery of vitamin E in RPE cel
ls when they were isolated by either isolation technique. It was also
found that denominators, used to express the values of vitamin E in ti
ssues should, be used with care since age dependent trends in paramete
rs/denominators could be caused by trends in the denominators only.